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Sep 12 2016

Indigenous community honours “Difference-Maker”

Posted by TransCanada
Peter Knight has earned an Aboriginal Role Model of Alberta award for his relentless efforts on behalf of First Nations and Métis communities in northern Alberta.

Peter Knight has earned an Aboriginal Role Model of Alberta award for his relentless efforts on behalf of First Nations and Métis communities in northern Alberta.

TransCanada employee earns Aboriginal Role Model Award for community service

When it comes to supporting Indigenous communities, TransCanada walks the talk.

We've been proactively reaching out to our Indigenous neighbours since 1989 - long before it became a regulatory requirement in Canada.

Now, we're proud to say that our own Indigenous and Community Liaison, Métis born Peter Knight, has earned an Aboriginal Role Model of Alberta award for his relentless efforts on behalf of First Nations and Métis communities in northern Alberta.

Proven community assistance during Fort McMurray fire

Peter earned the reward for going the extra mile after Fort McMurray's devastating 2016 wildfire. In the aftermath of the disaster, Peter personally delivered food and supplies to evacuees under trying circumstances.

In one of many examples, an elderly woman who had fled the disaster left her desperately needed walker behind.

Knight, who had left his contact number with community members, found a new walker from a local health facility, and drove hours to deliver it.

Making real connections

As an Indigenous and Community Liaison with our Wildrose Region, Knight also fills a busy role engaging with numerous communities across a wide swath of territory.

"Peter goes above and beyond," said Cecil Blair, TransCanada's Wildrose Region director. "He has travelled hundreds of miles across Alberta to represent TransCanada and build strong relations between the First Nations and Métis communities."

For Knight, whose mother instilled within him a strong sense of Indigenous identity and culture, it's all about building relationships.

"I do care deeply about the community members, elders and youth I have met along the way," he said.

"It's important to me to work for a company that values different cultural perspectives and works to identify opportunities for Indigenous businesses across the lands where we operate,” he added. "That's why I have remained with TransCanada for three decades."

"This is not simply my job, but fundamental to my values and who I am." - Peter Knight, TransCanada Indigenous and Community Liaison

Recognition by indigenous communities

We're proud to say that Knight has also been recognized by numerous other Indigenous communities, including Treaty 6 and Treaty 8 First Nations, The Métis Settlements, and MNA Regions 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6. He has been recognized for:

  • Respecting and understanding the diversity of cultures
  • Understanding the importance of the land to these communities
  • Forging relationships built on trust and respect
  • Making every effort to find and offer employment to Indigenous community members