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Sep 4 2018

Nourishing children's potential: TransCanada's partnership with the Breakfast Club of Canada continues this Fall

Posted by TransCanada
Happy students at Ron Brent Elementary School in Prince George, B.C.

Happy students at Ron Brent Elementary School in Prince George, B.C.

What is the key to a productive, active and positive day? Why, a healthy breakfast of course!
TransCanada has partnered with the Breakfast Club of Canada since 2014 to help provide students across Canada with nutritional meals to help fuel their days and energize their minds.

To date, this partnership has helped provide close to 500,000 breakfasts to more than 2,800 students in northern British Columbia. It’s also part of TransCanada’s Education Legacy Program for northern B.C., which looks for opportunities to build long-term community capacity through educational initiatives.

And last spring, TransCanada and the Coastal GasLink Project announced we’re adding two more communities into the program. The six communities within the region are: Vanderhoof, Terrace, Prince George, District of Port Edward, Fort Saint James and Smithers.

To celebrate this continued and expanded partnership into the 2018 school year, TransCanada employees served up breakfast to students at Ron Brent Elementary School in Prince George, B.C. Check out this video to get some local perspectives on what the Breakfast Club program means to them.

Happy students at Ron Brent Elementary School in Prince George, B.C.
Children being served breakfast
A TransCanada employee prepares breakfast for students as part of the Breakfast Club of Canada program
Children eating breakfast
About Breakfast Club of Canada

For 20 years, Breakfast Club of Canada has been nourishing children’s potential by making sure as many of them as possible have access to a healthy morning meal before school, in an environment that allows their self-esteem to grow and flourish. But the Club is much more than a breakfast program: we take a broader approach that promotes the core values of engagement, enrichment and empowerment, and we team up with communities and local partners to develop solutions adapted to their specific needs. Operating from coast to coast, the Breakfast Club of Canada helps feed 203,852 students every day in 1,598 schools.

For more information on Breakfast Club of Canada or to find out how you can become involved in an area near you, please visit http://www.breakfastclubcanada.org/.