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Oct 8 2019

Mental health issues affect everyone

Posted by TC Energy


October 7-11 is Mental Health Awareness week at TC EnergyWe feel every employee has a role to play in making our organization a mentally healthy workplace, and it starts with conversations.   

One of the most important things we can do to support our employees with mental health challenges is create an environment where they can seek help and feel comfortable using the resources we provide.


What is TC Energy doing about it?

The stigma surrounding mental health has long prevented sufferers from seeking the appropriate help. At TC Energy, we want to help eradicate that stigma by promoting selfcare and positive coping skills that can help all individuals manage stress and improve mental health.

The Green Ribbon campaign is focused on taking down the stigma around mental health conditions by:

  • Encouraging conversations about mental illness and mental health
  • Promoting mental health and wellness at TC Energy
  • Showing support for people living with mental illness

Even the most resilient person can be affected by a mental health condition. In fact, many of the people who experience a mental health condition manage it well and are productive members of the workforce.

“At least one in five people are living with a mental health problem or illness,” says Sig Santiago, Manager of Health and Industrial Hygiene. “We need to start treating mental health with the same care, respect and urgency that we would a physical ailment.”

This week, TC Energy workers all over the continent will be looking for the green ribbons on their colleagues and watching for opportunities to talk about mental health. Together we can end the stigma and create safe workplaces.