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May 12 2021

Announcing TC Energy’s CEO Safety Leadership Award recipients

Posted by TC Energy


Note:  Team photo taken prior to COVID-19 pandemic.

At TC Energy, we believe in recognizing those who are living our values and leading the way to zero harm, loss and incidents.

We are tremendously proud to share with you the 2020 CEO Safety Leadership Award recipients. These teams, contractors and individuals are being recognized with one of TC Energy’s highest honours for their unswerving dedication to our values.

These awards recipients are leading us on our journey towards zero. This year, we’ve had some exceptional nominees. Their stories, passion and commitment are truly inspiring. I want to express my sincerest thanks and gratitude to all the recipients and nominees.”

François Poirier
TC Energy, President and CEO

Those stories can be read in our 2020 CEO Safety Leadership Awards Booklet, and stay tuned to our social channels to learn more about the 2020 CEO Safety Leadership Award recipients.
