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Apr 2 2020

Women Lead Here: Spotlight on VP Wendy West

Posted by TC Energy

Celebrating our Women Lead Here recognition

TC Energy was recently honoured by the Globe and Mail on their Women Lead Here list, which benchmarks Canadian companies on the forefront of women in leadership positions.

Launched in 2020, Women Lead Here is an annual benchmark report produced by Report on Business magazine. Out of the 500 largest publicly traded companies analyzed, we were among the 74 corporations who earned the Women Lead Here title this year.

With 27% of all our leadership roles and 36% of our senior leadership roles held by women – we have a lot to be proud of.

Introducing Wendy West

Many of TC Energy’s leaders have stepped up and demonstrated extraordinary leadership in helping their teams and our company navigate the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have fantastic people at the company, and women are supported in pursuing leadership opportunities. I think it’s a natural evolution for women to lead in a company like ours.”

Wendy West
Vice President of Safety, Quality and Compliance


We sat down virtually with our very own Vice President of Safety, Quality and Compliance Wendy West, to hear her experience and the evolution of her role over the past month in response to COVID-19.

Listen to Wendy’s story and the rest of the episodes at TC Connects.


More information

For the full list of 2020 Women Lead Here honourees,
visit: the Globe and Mail

We are proud to be recognized by respected third-party agencies for our achievements,
check out our other Awards and Recognition.