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Sep 26 2019

Field intern brings real-world insights back to campus

Posted by TC Energy


Gage Jaeger is back on campus as a sophomore at North Dakota State University, after he spent the summer working with our field operations team in Mandan, ND on the Northern Border Pipeline. As an engineering student, he gained valuable insight into what it takes to safely and efficiently operate and maintain large-scale industrial infrastructure – an experience Gage says will help propel his professional career as an engineer.

Boots on the ground

Over the summer, Gage Jaeger was part of a growing number of students who joined our field teams across the U.S. Field interns have the unique opportunity to become immersed in a skilled front-line team as they safely build, run and maintain our vast energy infrastructure network. On a daily basis, students see technical plans in action and witness on site how their classroom studies translate into work being done on the ground.

Gage worked out of our Mandan, North Dakota field office supporting the Northern Border Pipeline. He completed necessary preventive maintenance work on equipment and around the job site. Working alongside mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and control technicians, as well as field engineers, Gage experienced a lot. “I learned about proper maintenance and repair techniques, safely investigating issues, and how the operations team is committed to continuous improvement by identifying and recommending changes to reduce risk and increase efficiency,” he shared.

A commitment to safety

At TC Energy, safety is our number one value, and Gage experienced our safety culture first-hand. Our operations employees are passionate about safety and are committed to instilling a safety mindset in all students and new team members and provide extensive safety training in the field.

Gage’s work as a student had a direct impact on safety. Every day he ensured the field office and surrounding area was clean, well-maintained and serviced. When asked what his biggest take-away from the summer term was, Gage said, “I learned to put safety at the forefront of any project.”

Environmental protection in the field

Growing up in Minot, North Dakota, Gage has always been passionate about the outdoors. “As an avid walleye fisherman and pheasant hunter, I have developed a deep respect for nature and the environment,” Gage says. “I was excited to see that my values aligned with the work that TC Energy is doing in the field and the commitment the company has to environmental protection.”

TC Energy has a long-standing commitment to protect the environment where we live and work, and our employees, like Gage, are dedicated stewards of the environment.

Learn more:

Not all student programs are the same. Learn more about our student and new grad opportunities at TCEnergy.com/Students.